Mandatory Information Program (MIP) or Family Information Session

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Mandatory Information Program (MIP) or Family Information Session

In the Superior Court of Justice, in a family law case, the parties must attend a Mandatory Information Program if there are claims other than for a divorce and costs or the incorporation of terms of an agreement or prior court order (Family Law Rules, Rule 8.1(1)).

The Mandatory Information Program is an in-person session, which may be led by a lawyer, a social worker, or some other facilitator. The Mandatory Information Program provides parties with information about separation and the legal process, and may include information on topics such as:

  1. The options available for resolving differences, including alternatives to going to court;
  2. The impact the separation of parents has on children; and,
  3. The resources available to deal with problems that arise from the separation (Family Law Rules, Rule 8.1(3)).

The Applicant(s) and Respondent(s) each attend the Mandatory Information Program separately.

The Applicant must arrange his or her own appointment to attend the Mandatory Information Program, obtain an appointment for the Respondent's attendance at the Mandatory Information Program, and serve the Respondent with notice of the Respondent's appointment with the Application (Family Law Rules, Rule 8.1(5)). Each party to a case must attend the Mandatory Information Program no later than 45 days after the case has been started (Family Law Rules, Rule 8.1(4)).

If a party does not attend the Mandatory Information Program, he or she will be unable to take the next step in the litigation process, namely filing materials with the court.

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