My spouse has threatened to leave me in the past. What are some steps that I can take to protect myself?

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My spouse has threatened to leave me in the past. What are some steps that I can take to protect myself?

There are certain steps that one can take in order to best protect themselves in the event of a separation and divorce.

The first step that one may take in order to protect themselves is to put personal financial papers, records, and items of value (such as jewelry) in a safe location. You may consider re-directing your mail and bank statements from the home to your place of work.

In the event that your spouse has received mail from any financial institutions, and it is in plain sight, then it is suggested that you take note of the return address that is printed on the envelope.

If your spouse leaves out any financial information, and it is in plain sight and accessible, it is suggested that you record the information that you see, and take note of it.

In the event that you and your spouse share a joint account, then it is recommended that you consider closing the account in question. If you do not wish to do so, for whatever reason, then it is highly suggested that you closely monitor the account activity on a highly regular basis.

In the event that you both have joint lines of credit (that are not completely utilized), it may well be advisable that you consider closing or freezing them.

It is important that you take extreme caution when communicating with your spouse, both in person and over different media outlets. Writing angry text messages, Facebook messages, and/or emails, can hurt your case if you and your current spouse do go through a divorce. Anything in writing can end up as an exhibit in an Affidavit.

It is also important to hire an experienced Toronto family lawyer and talk to your divorce lawyer about any concerns that you may have. Your lawyer at Krol & Krol will ensure that your interests are protected.

For more information on ways to make sure that your interests are protected, contact Krol & Krol at 905.707.3370.

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